Plant-Based Winter is Here

Plant-Based Winter is Here

Winter is here, so the days are short, the weather is cold, and there’s no shortage of excuses to stay inside to keep warm. As someone who loves fresh, wholesome foods, your choices might be a bit more limited than at other times of the year, especially if you prefer locally-grown produce. Your plant-based winter is here, but there’s no need to fear.

Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables

When it’s winter, it can be tough to stick with only seasonal fruits, but it’s not impossible. Much of the fall harvest can last well into the winter, but don’t be afraid to venture off into other fruit choices you might not normally try.

Foods from the fall harvest are great not only because they can last long, but also because most are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, flavonoids, and other phytonutrients you’d otherwise miss during the winter months. Apples, pears, and winter squash last well when stored properly, and potatoes, sweet potatoes, and root vegetables such as carrots, beets, and turnips are a great source of delicious nutrition throughout the winter.

While it’s great to stick with locally grown produce in order to support your local economy and minimize your carbon footprint, you’ll need to plan ahead and look into ways to store non-winter foods longer—dehydrating is one simple method. Raw and fresh is best for boosting your immune system through the winter months, but sometimes freeze-dried or freshly imported fruits and vegetables are too tempting to avoid.

And don’t forget the importance of good fats. A variety of nuts in your winter diet can help maintain your healthy fats and EFAs (essential fatty acids), and fresh nuts can last long enough to get you through the cold winter months. Plus, they’re a tasty treat whether they’re right out of the shell, mixed into your favorite recipe, or blended into a creamy nut butter.

Meal Preparation

As with any time of the year, when plant-based winter is here, planning ahead can make life much easier. Preparing meals in advance when possible can save a lot of time and hassle.

Eating raw foods is best, but a little heat is a tempting treat when the thermostat is working overtime. There’s something to be said for soups, hot ciders, and body-warming comfort foods. Even foods that are just slightly warmed can make a meal more pleasant when there’s a chill in the air. You can also add cayenne or other spices to boost your body heat and get your circulation moving.

Plant-Based Protein

We all like to eat the freshest food sources possible, but we also love convenience and versatility. When you’re on the go, in a rush, or just want something simple that gives you whole food nutrition from all-natural ingredients, Rawfusion® can add a much-needed plant-based protein boost plus a good dose of flavor to fend off any cravings.

Kitchen Supplies

If you only eat raw, uncooked natural foods regularly, you’ve probably already got everything you need. On the other hand, if you want to enjoy some warmer foods and drinks through the winter, find yourself a good slow cooker or pressure cooker to make some nutritious and satisfying comfort foods without losing much nutrient value.

Get Out!

Sure, the frosty plant-based winter is here, but that doesn’t mean you should feel stuck inside to do nothing but eat. It’s important to stay active and get plenty of fresh air and a little bit of sunshine to keep happy and healthy. Grab your favorite cruelty-free winter gear and get outside, whether it’s for a vigorous run, a gentle jog, or a family walk around the neighborhood.

Don’t let the winter get you down. Look at it as an opportunity to try new things, stay active, and to prepare for all the rejuvenating excitement coming in spring.

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